Ohio Blended Collaborative
Students in a classroom learning

Ohio Blended Collaborative

Connecting educators to develop high-quality, customizable blended resources to personalize teaching and learning

Our Mission

Empower educators by providing high-quality professional learning and shared resources that encourage critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity

Students in a classroom learning


Higher student scores

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The OBC Way

The OBC has provided sustained opportunities for over 500 educators across 25 districts since 2014 with a goal to foster professional learning through supporting instructional shifts with interactive professional development and collaboration!

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Teachers Communicating
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of the Month

Resource of the Month

Each resource is meant to give you a simple strategy or idea to spur on your thinking and classroom practice around personalized learning and student ownership. Jump in!

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Leading the way

Jennifer Fry

Chief Technology Officer

Jennifer Fry is the CTO in the Delaware City Schools. Jen is one of the founding members of the OBC while in her role as K-12 Technology integration Specialist in the Westerville Schools.

Chris Deis

Chief Technology Officer

Chris Deis is the CTO in the Grandview Heights School District. Chris is one of the founding members of the OBC while in his role as the IT Director in the Marysville Exempted Village School District.

Jessica Fields

Instructional Technology

Jessica Fields is currently teaching in Grandview Heights School District. In her role as a Curriculum Supervisor of Instructional Technology for the Olentangy Schools, Jessica was one of the co-founding members of the OBC.

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    Connecting educators to develop high-quality, customizable blended resources to personalize teaching and learning



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